Taiyo Oil Holds FY2024 Entrance Ceremony for New Employees


Yesterday, Taiyo Oil held the FY2024 entrance ceremony for new employees.

The following is the message from the president to new employees.

Message to New Employees

Today, as we welcome twenty-nine of you as new members of Taiyo Oil, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on behalf of all our employees.

I earnestly hope that you will become the driving force of Taiyo Oil into the future.

Today marks my appointment as president, and this is my first greeting in this capacity.

I am excited about the prospect of being in a new environment and anticipate yet more thrilling experiences.

If all of you, our new employees, can embrace this day with the same feeling, nothing would make me happier.

Through our work, I want to create a “good company” where all of us can have vibrant and fulfilling lives.

Let us work hard together.

What I think of as a “good company” is “a company where the people working there can like themselves,” and I would like to make the company such a place.

In the course of our work, liking oneself involves not only embracing the positive and bright aspects but also facing up to our weaker sides and the parts we'd rather not examine, and this requires courage.

However, I aim to create a company climate that provides opportunities for employees to face up to what they don't like, and where those around them can support them as they do so.

Although this is only my second year at Taiyo Oil, I feel fortunate to be among employees who are less critical and also genuinely good-natured.

Your efforts and your willingness to take on challenges will be respected.

I look forward to seeing you thrive in this environment, surrounded by sincere and kind colleagues.

Lastly, some of you who have joined Taiyo Oil amidst the current transition to decarbonization may feel uncertain about the future.

To be honest, no one knows at present how to resolve this uncertainty.

However, the answer will be shaped by the efforts of Taiyo Oil employees and society at large, and I believe that it is something sought not just in Japan but around the world.

Together with you all, I want to earnestly explore where humanity should head and steer our company in that direction as well.

In closing, I extend my warmest congratulations on your joining us. I am excited for your bright future, and I hope to see you thrive in all ways.

Scenes from the entrance ceremony

  • Scenes from the entrance ceremony

  • Congratulatory speech

Number of new employees in FY2024

Graduate School Graduates (Technical) 3
Graduate School Graduates (Administrative) 1
University Graduates (Technical) 6
University Graduates (Administrative) 8
Technical College Graduates (Technical) 1
High School Graduates (Technical) 10
Total 29